john carroll — executive director

John Carroll

John established City Leadership on May 1, 2010—in the 901, for the 901.

What I do for city Leadership

As the leader of City Leadership, I cast the vision for our team, ideate new and improving strategies for our work, and catalyze other leaders throughout the 901 for maximizing our positive impact on this community. 

Dreaming up and creating our campaigns has been fun and rewarding. Choose901 is so much more than I initially imagined. Teach901 has helped thousands of educators. Serve901 is still hosting thousands of out of town volunteers. Give901 is stewarding significant generosity. And the Choose901 Alumni Program gives me so much hope for our city’s future.

The goal today is the same as day one: to Recruit, Develop, and Catalyze Leaders for a Growing, Improving, and more Loving 901. 

How I got to Memphis…

Born and raised in Murfreesboro, TN, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do when I grew up. 

The academic side of school wasn’t really my strength, but I loved the people side. Clubs, sport teams, field trips, the lunchroom, and bus rides were all my favorite parts of growing up.

I was the first in the Carroll family to go to college. In school, this pattern of people over textbooks remained. Upon graduation I wasn’t heading to medical or law school, and I didn’t graduate with a plug-and-play degree like accounting or nursing. 

My post college adventures led me to Texas, where I held several jobs that grew my experiences in breadth and depth. I was able to oversee budgets, feel stress, manage people, and build out projects. 

In 2004 I moved to Memphis from Dallas for a work opportunity and thought I would be here for a year or maybe two. I originally viewed it as simply the next step in figuring out my career. 

But instead of finding a career first and then a place, my move to Memphis led me to fall in love with a place that ultimately helped me discover my career.

Why I Choose901

For my first year in Memphis in 2004, there were no expectations—good or bad. I enjoyed the experience of growing up in my small hometown, but I was bored of having nothing to do. My time in Texas was great because the Dallas area offered everything to do, but it was really hard to feel connected to a community.

Memphis ended up being the perfect blend of hometown feel and big-city amenities. I absolutely love all the things this place has to offer, but it wouldn’t be half of what it is without all the amazing friendships and community that blends together here. 

A unique feature of Memphis is the “front line space” available for those who want to lead. In most major cities there are a lot of layers and many barriers to community leadership. In Memphis, leaders can find significant and impactful roles quickly. I can’t imagine living somewhere else and giving that up. 

MEET THE carrolls

Carroll Fam

John is married to Hayley and together they parent five children.

We live in Midtown, love to eat and shop local, enjoy time on the water, and love exploring new places. 

My wife Hayley is the Director of Corporate Initiatives at the Alzheimer’s Association. She was born in Memphis and graduated from Christian Brothers University with her MBA. 

Our five children span from elementary school to college. They keep us laughing and running all over.