Meet Elijah Wilkerson

Elijah Wilkerson

Elijah joined the City Leadership team in February 2024 as our Spring Resident.

Memphis Is My Home

There’s no place on earth that feels more like home than Memphis, Tennessee. For over a decade, I’ve made this special place my stomping grounds. Our team has an unwavering commitment to Memphis, and I am convinced that our dedication to our city is the ultimate catalyst for the work we do.

I’ve seen firsthand the untapped potential for growth in Memphis. From city-wide betterment campaigns to neighborhood revitalization projects, our collaborative spirit drives this community toward progress.

Now, as part of the City Leadership team, I have the privilege of unlocking this potential and making their mission my own: to recruit, develop, and catalyze leaders in our city for our city.

My Why

We all have a WHY… something driving us. My WHY is to equip and empower people so that they can bring their vision to life.

Memphis and its people have a story to tell. Our city’s voice needs to be heard, and I want to empower our community to share their stories, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and purpose.

Motivation Is Key

My approach to every challenge is marked by three key elements:

  1. Excellence

  2. Mission

  3. Passion

When I take on a new challenge, these three components are my main motivators. Excellence, mission, and passion are the driving forces behind my actions. I want these principles to inform all of my pursuits. Here’s how that looks in action.

Marked by Excellence

I’ll be the first to tell you that not everything I’ve done is excellent; I make plenty of mistakes and I’ve experienced no shortage of failure. However, striving toward excellence is my goal. When we pursue excellence, our neighbors notice. Our teammates notice. Eventually, our pursuit of excellence becomes theirs. To be marked by excellence becomes more natural over time and pushes us toward our goals.

Driven by Mission

When working as a team, I find it essential to be united under a collective mission. It is extremely difficult—often impossible—to accomplish a shared goal when a team is not united. The greater mission inspires us; it never fails to take us further than accumulation or accomplishment. To be driven by mission fills our endeavors with ultimate purpose.

Fueled by Passion

The ideal project drives me to work harder than before. If we are unable to see how our work contributes to our vision, we are unlikely to experience passion throughout the process. To be fueled by passion reveals depths of energy and excitement previously unknown.

Our city is ready for growth and progress. There are countless opportunities at our fingertips to raise up our city. By applying excellence, mission, and passion to our relationship with Memphis, we can uncover more potential than we ever thought possible. I am motivated by this vision, and we are committed to this city. Will you join us?

Connect with Elijah

If my words resonate with you, something tells me we’ll get along. Do us both a favor and reach out! Let’s turn our vision into reality. You know where to find us.

Email | Website | Instagram | LinkedIn


Meet Daniel McGarry, Marketing Director


Meet Rachel Taylor, Development Communications Coordinator