Meet Rachel Taylor, Development Communications Coordinator

Rachel Taylor

Rachel joined the City Leadership team in March 2024 as our Development Communications Coordinator

Skill aligning with passion

Storytelling has always been a passion of mine: a captivating book, an epic movie, or a tale around a campfire. I believe you can change the world with a well-told story, and I endeavor to do that.

I’ve spent most of my life in Memphis, and I know it well. I’ve watched how it has grown over the years, and now I’m thrilled to be working for City Leadership, a nonprofit organization that has been working behind the scenes to create that positive change. 

Experiencing Memphis through film

My background is in filmmaking, and I have made two short fantasy films in Memphis called “Avarice” and “Solus.” Filmmaking will quickly introduce you to many locations in a city you might not have otherwise tread, and I’ve been fortunate to film in some really interesting places: the Tennessee Brewery, Woodruff Fontaine, Graceland, downtown alleyways, woods off the beaten path, etc. With the amount of time typically spent on a film set, it’s a really intimate way to get to know a city.

Directing a fantasy film on a shoestring budget is no small feat, and I soon discovered that I had a knack for managing all the moving parts, which led me into the world of project management. I love organizing, and I will genuinely organize almost anything: the kitchen, a Google Drive, a digital guide to my wardrobe. I’m addicted to almost any organizational show that will teach me how to color code my life.

How skill evolves and adapts

While I love producing and directing, I have a deep passion for writing in all its forms. It’s where creativity meets practicality: how do you tell a compelling story and organize it in a way that makes the most sense to the reader? I’m excited to bring that enthusiasm to City Leadership, where I’ll be able to tell the story of its positive impact on Memphis and how it continues to grow and develop for the benefit of those of us who live here. 

If you have a story about how one of City Leadership’s campaigns has impacted your life, I want to hear from you! Becoming a leader to promote positive change in Memphis can start with one small step: just tell a good story. 


Meet Elijah Wilkerson


Meet Miles Thomas, Digital Media Coordinator